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The Frigate of the Arreki Singularity! ⚔️🚀

The Arreki Frigate is a versatile escort vessel, equipped with 2 Corrosive Warheads and 4 Plasma Beams. Featuring ADS (Advanced Defensive Systems), this frigate can be upgraded with even more advanced ADS, making it a strong defensive asset while still delivering powerful offensive strikes.

Lore & Purpose 📜
The Frigate is designed to protect larger ships from enemy attacks while still packing enough firepower to take on a variety of threats. Its Corrosive Warheads weaken enemy hulls, and its Plasma Beams provide consistent damage, ensuring the frigate remains a valuable combat vessel. Commanders who want a flexible, defensive-minded ship will find the Arreki Frigate an excellent choice, especially with the option to enhance its ADS for better protection.

What’s Included:

  • 🚀 1 Arreki Frigate
  • 🧩 1 Ship Base

Deploy the Frigate to bolster your fleet’s defense and deliver focused firepower to your enemies! ⚔️🚀

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