United Trade Systems Individual Ship Sales - Masters of Ordnance and Mercantile Might 🚀💰
The United Trade Systems (UTS) emerged from a unique alliance of three distinct societies—Puscavans, New Silesions, and Kongani—who came together during a time of crisis to form one of the galaxy’s most adaptable and resourceful factions. Originally isolated by the shutdown of the node network, these colonies united under a shared banner of trade, cooperation, and survival, leveraging their combined strengths to become a major economic and military force. The UTS combines the industrial prowess of the Kongani, the agricultural wealth of the New Silesions, and the brutal efficiency of the Puscavans into a coalition that is unmatched in strategic versatility and ordnance capabilities.
What Defines the UTS Fleet?
The UTS fleets are centered around precision ordnance weaponry and a keen focus on logistics. Their ships are equipped with a variety of unique warheads and launch systems, each designed to exploit different weaknesses in enemy defenses. This specialization allows UTS commanders to customize their battlegroups to excel in any tactical scenario, from direct assaults to long-range bombardment and area denial. With advanced munitions and highly coordinated deployments, the UTS thrives in battles where they can dictate the pace, outmaneuver their enemies, and overwhelm opponents with a relentless barrage of expertly deployed warheads.
Capital Ships: Ordnance Platforms of Unmatched Power 🚀💥
UTS Capital Ships serve as the backbone of their fleet, boasting formidable firepower and extensive command capabilities. Ships like the Dreadnought and Heavy Battleship are armed with Hyden Warheads and Corrosive Munitions, making them excellent choices for penetrating enemy defenses and causing widespread damage. These warships are designed to dominate the battlespace, providing long-range support and withstanding enemy attacks while raining down heavy firepower from a distance.
Support Ships: Reinforcements for Every Tactical Need ⚙️🚀
The UTS Support Ships add flexibility and utility to the fleet, ranging from dedicated Mine Layers that can establish deadly fields of shatter mines to Light Carriers that launch waves of precision strike craft. These ships ensure that no matter what threat emerges, the UTS fleet has the tools to adapt and respond. With support options like the Tactical Destroyer and Electronic Warfare Ship, the UTS ensures that their opponents never have a clear path to victory.
Escort Vessels: The Shield of the Fleet ⚔️🛡️
UTS Escort Vessels, such as Frigates, Guardian Boats, and Patrol Craft, serve as the defensive screen and rapid-response elements of the fleet. These nimble ships are equipped to counter strike craft, intercept missiles, and protect the larger Capital Ships from flanking maneuvers. Whether defending trade lanes or securing key points on the battlefield, UTS Escorts are the vanguard of any fleet, ensuring that no enemy can easily bypass their formidable defenses.
Strike Craft: High-Precision Weapons of War ✈️💥
The Strike Craft of the UTS, such as the Strzyga Interceptors and Czernobog Bombers, are designed to exploit weaknesses in enemy formations and deliver pinpoint strikes on high-value targets. With specialized ordnance like shield-skipping warheads and precision-guided missiles, UTS Strike Craft can bypass even the most heavily fortified positions, making them a critical component of any fleet engagement.
Stations: Fortresses of Trade and Defense 🚀🏰
UTS Trade Stations are more than just logistical hubs—they are powerful defensive installations capable of anchoring entire sectors of space. Outfitted with Electronic Warfare and powerful Strike Support capabilities, these stations are nearly impossible to approach, let alone destroy. Serving as both economic centers and military bastions, they provide vital support to the UTS fleet while maintaining control over key trade routes.
Build Your UTS Fleet and Dominate the Stars! 🚀💪
This collection offers individual ship options for commanders looking to tailor their fleet compositions to their exact specifications. Whether you need a powerful Battleship to spearhead your attack, a versatile Heavy Cruiser to support your fleet, or a nimble Frigate to guard your flanks, the UTS provides the perfect blend of economic efficiency and battlefield supremacy. Leverage the strengths of the UTS’s diverse ships to create a dynamic fleet that will bring prosperity to your allies—and ruin to your enemies.
Download the latest rulebook and faction list below to master the strategies of the United Trade Systems and control the galaxy’s trade lanes! ⚔️💥